Monday, August 17, 2009

2nd Trimester!!!

We are in the 2nd trimester!!! YAY!! I am so relieved to have made it through the "scary phase"!! Today, Scott and Carson came with me to my drs appointment. The dr couldnt find the heartbeat with the doppler so we had an ultrasound and the baby looked great! The heart was beating perfectly! We tried to see if it was a boy or girl, but the baby wouldnt cooperate and show us its bottom!! We will probably find out in 2 weeks!! But it was awesome, the baby had its hand on its face and was moving all over the screen! I havent felt the baby move yet but I am sure I will soon! I know in one of my earlier blogs I thought it was a girl, but I am changing to a boy. Everything has been so different this time. With Carson I had gained 20 LBs in the first trimester, this time I have only gained 3 (thank God) and with Carson I was sick but not at all like Ive been this time, it has been aweful but as long as this baby is ok I will take it!!

Scott has been an amazing husband! He really has taken such good care of me the past few months and Carson too. (she gets me gingerale in the morning and gives me LOTS of hugs and kisses). They have put up with a lot of moodyness and worry but have been great! I am so blessed with such an amazing family and friends!! I really dont have anything else to report but will keep you posted!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

12 Weeks!

Well, we are finally at 12 weeks!! I am so excited!! It seems like the past 10 weeks have seriously dragged on and have felt like years!! I have a Dr's appointment on Monday and I will be 13 weeks. We hadn't heart the baby's heartbeat yet, but we had seen it a couple times until Saturday! I went to my friend Carissa's house and we used her Doppler and we heart the most amazing sound! It was baby Campbell's precious heartbeat! The Doppler read it at 150 bpm! I cant wait to go to my appointment Monday and hear it again! It is so hard to believe that this is actually happening and this sweet miracle may actually make it!! What a blessing!!

Carson is so excited to be a big sister! It is really funny to listen to her talk about it! At first she said she only wanted a sister until she realized having a girl meant sharing clothes, shoes, and toys!! Now she has totally changed her tune, and she wants a baby brother! Scott and I have told her that we need to be happy with whatever God gives us because this baby is truly a miracle to us! So I think she will be happy with whatever she gets!! I absolutely can not wait to see Carson and this new baby together! Carson is going to be the most amazing big sister! She is going to be such a big help and I cant wait to watch these 2 grow up together!!

This summer has flown by and we have had a lot of fun and very exciting things happen! We are so blessed! God is definitely good!!! Here are some recent belly pics! I started taking them at 6 weeks and plan to take them every 2 weeks! I feel like my stomach is so big already but I hear that happens with the second baby!!!